Friday, September 21, 2007

Friday Five

Here is a picture of me on my graduation day with my friend Danielle who now lives in Equador.
1. Bullies, preps, stoners, geeks, jocks, drama queens, and more roamed the halls. Where did you fit in? Did your clique have a name? Well, since I went to such a small school, we really didn't have "clicks" per say, more just groups of friends.

2. Hot lunch or cold lunch? Cold, considering hot wasn't offered except on Fridays when they ordered a lot of food from Subway, Arby's, or places like that.
3. What did you wear to school? (Go ahead, date yourself here) jeans, t-shirt, sweatshirts, whatever.
4. What extra-curricular activities did you participate in? volleyball, basketball, swimming, and cheerleading
5. Who were your best friends? Do you still talk to any of them? Jamie, Bridget, and Adam, I only still talk to Adam.


kristine said...

aww...look at you, hot mama!