Friday, October 12, 2007

I can do that.... ?

(((sigh))) life...

Right now I definitely feel like I'm doing something productive, namely going to school. There are so many huge things coming up in my life, the end of a full load of credits, a trip to florida, a senior show, GRADUATING (!), my internship, and then head first into a real life career. Oh man. Sometimes I look at the stuff graphic designers are creating now-a-days and it freaks me out because I don't know how they did it!! So, I went tinkering around online to try to find tutorials to help out poor inexperienced designers like myself out. I found a few and tried some out. I guess once you know the process it's kinda like a slap on the forehead "duh" moment. Pretty simple. Here are some of the ones I did. I'm proud, thought they aren't as great as some of the neat stuff I've seen elsewhere.


kristine said...

I think they are neat. I guess I don't know anything about Graphic Design, but I KNOW I could never do anything like that. I forgot about your trip. I am jealous!